A private career college (also known as a private vocational school, trade school, or proprietary school) is an educational institution that provides specialized training and education for individuals seeking...
In our ever-evolving society, we are constantly faced with situations that pose risks to our health and well-being. These risks can be physical, emotional, or psychological. It is important...
In the realm of public health and safety around substance use, two strategies often come to the forefront: harm reduction and zero tolerance. Both approaches aim to mitigate risks...
In recent years, Canada has been quietly battling a mental health pandemic that has reached alarming levels. This crisis has left in its wake a trail of shattered lives,...
Short online training programs prepare students for jobs in mental health and addiction settings John Jackson, a PhD student in the College of Nursing, noticed a gap during the...
LINKS Institute, Manitoba’s Leading Mental Health and Social Service Educator, Launches Innovative New Online Program Social service organizations in Manitoba who are struggling to recruit employee candidates will have...
The LINKS Institute, in partnership with the Native Clan Organization is offering a Mental Wellness & Harm Reduction Worker Diploma Program. What is it? The Mental Wellness & Harm...
Ongoing Expansion of Vocational Programs Signals Continued Growth for Western Canada’s Newest Private Career College Brand Western Canada’s newest private career college brand recently unveiled their new School of...
Private Career College Focused on Mental Health Crosses the One Year Mark and Establishes In-person Training Centre in Brandon, MB LINKS Institute, a private vocational college which specializes in...
LINKS Institute, a private career college focused on health and social services, is on the move: with the opening of a leased 1800 square foot training centre in downtown...